Downtown Springfield, Inc. (DSI), a non-for profit organization, operates the banner program under a licensing agreement with the City of Springfield. The program includes considerations of banner appearance, banner content, etc. Accordingly, DSI has developed this program to best achieve the goal.

DSI has contracted with Ace Sign Co. to administer, design, manufacture, install, and remove banners. Ace charges DSI for these services


Ace Sign Co. offers top quality outdoor banners. For more specifications on the production of these banners, please see the enclosed attachment. Banners are usually completed in seven to ten working days. Banners generated outside of Ace will be considered for display; but must fall within the specifications and requirements of the downtown banner program.


A minimum of 10 banners, enough for five poles, is necessary to maintain reasonable manufacturing costs.  The number of poles is then limited only by the availability. (Download the PDF below to see the availability chart).


Ace Sign Co. maintains a listing of pole availability. If you have not received this information in your packet or are in need of the updated schedule, please contact your sales representative immediately. Pole reservations are firm upon payment of the pole rental charge, installation and removal fees.


Reusable banners can be stored by Ace Sign Co. for no charge.


Ace Sign Co.’s professional design team will work with you to create the perfect downtown banner design for your organization. Quality appearance and content are highly regarded in our downtown designs. Any designs for downtown banners generated outside of Ace must be submitted for design review.


Banners are not available for commercial advertising. However, DSI will permit the lower 10% (bottom 10 inches) of each banner to list a sponsor.

DSI will consider a business banner in the case of a significant anniversary starting at the 5th year and in 5-year increments thereafter.


Please download the PDF at the bottom of this page. Just select the number of banner you will be producing and add on the additional charges for installation, removal, and pole rental.

Payment must be received at least two weeks prior to service.