In 2021, the marquee was completely rebuilt from the ground up by Ace Sign Co. of Springfield, IL. The once wood-framed marquees were artfully rebuilt with steel framing and aluminum cladding. The marquee features over 1,500 feet of neon tubing, large flanking 10mm LED Displays, and a one-of-kind round digital/analog clock.
Robinson Grand Performing Arts Center
Editorial Team2023-09-08T13:12:17-05:00Modeled after the 90 year old existing marquee, but improved with state-of-the-art programmable LED components, three electronic message centers, and over 500 feet of neon.
Emerald Theatre
Editorial Team2023-09-19T14:04:01-05:00A classic marquee design and the jewel of Mount Clemens.
The Main Street Theatre Center for the Arts
Editorial Team2023-09-19T13:36:52-05:00The Main St. marquee revitalizes the façade of the arts center while utilizing design that mimics the original Loew’s marquee.
The Fillmore Theater Marquee
admin2023-09-07T16:32:21-05:00The Fillmore, an iconic and historic venue in the heart of Detroit, Michigan’s Downtown Historic District needed a facelift for their marquee sign. Ace Sign Company was selected by global entertainment giant, Live Nation, to produce the replacement marquee, bringing new life to the 94 year old venue. Two 10 x 20-ft., 10mm vivid Watchfire Signs LED Displays feature renowned artists and events within a 50-ft.-wide structure adorned with over 500 bulbs. Five foot tall Fillmore letters sit atop the marquee with over 1,000 exposed LEDs, along with a multidimensional lighted logo centerpiece. The display replaces the previously deteriorated marquee; thus honoring its classic style, shape, and logo, with new state-of-the-art technology.
South Town Marquee
admin2023-01-10T13:22:50-06:00Originally the Empress Theatre February 7, 1915, the South Town […]